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0-DTE Options Trading

0-DTE and 1-DTE options trading has gained popularity among newbie option traders with small trading accounts. Why?

Most traders are initially attracted to options trading for the potential quick and large returns. Short term option trades provide this possibility.

It’s an interesting topic in that it contradicts what market makers have been teaching to retail traders for decades – to trade short term to benefit by capturing theta.

Short DTE options can result in huge returns, once in a while, because of the increased gamma and lambda attributes of short term options. Even though theta increases near expiry as the mm’s teach, the impact of gamma and lambda also increase, debatably more than theta, which means short term theta trades are not where the money is. That would explain why most traders who focus on theta never see success.

Check out our Youtube video below to see how you can implement statistics into trading short term options.

Calendar Spreads with OptionColors

Calendar spreads are all about the IV skews. Although most options traders don’t realize it, they often times enter into calendar spreads at the wrong time and embed losses into their trades by capturing a disadvantageous volatility skew.

Why do option traders do this? Well, options software in general hides volatility information from option traders, and since they cannot see it, they are unaware of the skews they are capturing, either good or bad. Not being able to see the volatility skew that you are capturing when you place a trade will lead to inconsistent results when you trade calendar spreads, among other option spreads.

The designers of OptionColors volatility trading software have solved this major industry problem. We’ve built the tools that option traders need to trade volatility to their maximum benefit.

To get a live demo of how you can potentially double your returns when you trade calendar spreads, book yourself a live demo of OptionColors. We’ll show you our approach, so you can make an educated decision as to your future trading of calendars.


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